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Monday, April 29, 2013

Three Reasons to Use Bamboo for Furniture

Bamboo Furniture

Three Reasons to Use Bamboo
Bamboo has an amazing benefit to all of us. Its impact can be seen in everything from flooring to food, even personal goods like t-shirts and towels. It’s clearly not a trend or short-term solution to the global environmental issues. It’s a real solution that we should all take a closer look at. We, at Yogibo, decided that we want to take part in this Bamboomania. No, we haven’t figured out how to make bean bags or pillows out of bamboo yet, but we have a couple of awesome products made from bamboo and we’re working on some more cool ideas related to bamboo for the future. So, why bamboo anyway?

Abundance. Growing bamboo is incredibly efficient. It can be grown in a vast number of climates and at rates of up to 4 feet per day in some species. In about four to seven years bamboo can reach full maturity, as compared to hardwood trees which might take up to 50 years. Where ‘time is money’ and patience is hard to find, are you willing to wait 50 years for the materials needed to make furniture?

cube bean bag ottoman storage
Yogi Box
Clean. Bamboo does not require pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides to grow and after its use, bamboo is 100% bio degradable. For those with allergies, you’ll be happy to know that bamboo naturally produces an anti-bacterial agent known as bamboo kun, which eliminates almost all forms of bacteria. Bamboo also releases 35% more oxygen (yes, the thing that pollution is keeping away from us) into the air then a hardwood forest of the same size. Now you’re probably thinking why Manhattan is not covered with bamboo.

Strong. Looking at the chopsticks you’re eating with, you might think that bamboo is easy to break. The surprising news is that the strongest species of bamboo have the same strength as steel or concrete. Products made with bamboo range from small boats to houses known to have survived 9.0 earthquakes (not that we make a point to test our products under those conditions, but you get the point). One thing that makes bamboo so strong is, unlike hardwood, it doesn’t have knots, which allow it to take on more stress. What bamboo also has that increases its strength is a sectional anatomy, giving it a greater structural integrity.

Seems like some pretty good reasons to choose bamboo, don’t you think? Currently, Yogibo offers the Yogibox, which incorporates bamboo together with our cool fabric. We also have the Traybo, a laptop tray made of bamboo, and currently one of our hottest items. We can’t wait to tell you about the new stuff we’re working on but it’s being perfected in our lab, so check back with often to see more information is released.

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